07 May 2012

toxic-free tushies

It's time to divulge a little secret: at times I have a tendency to be an extremist. In the most pragmatic way possible, of course. When I really, truly believe in something, I'm not exactly half-hearted in the way I go about it. I'm not always an all-or-nothing kind of girl, but when it comes to the health and well-being of my family, this approach is completely non-negotiable. So, that being said, when I read this article about the dangers of disposable nappies while pregnant with Noah, I knew I was going to have to find another option for his toileting needs. The standard chemical-filled Huggies just wasn't going to fly.

Now if you haven't heard of modern cloth nappies, then prepare for your mind to be blown. They are nothing like the folded terry-towelling nappies of the past. They are pretty much a cloth version of a disposable nappy - same shape and similar absorbency but they rank much higher on the cuteness scale. Take a look here if you are interested in the specifics of how they compare to disposables. Take a look here if reading isn't really your thing and you're just interested in seeing a cute baby in said nappies:

Better for the environment and less chemical exposure for super-sensitive baby skin? It's a no-brainer for me. Now I must admit, I do still use disposables from time to time and when I do, this is my brand of choice:

They are chlorine-free, breathable, biodegradable and affordable - much better than the standard bleached plastic-lined nappies that line the majority of the baby aisles, and their wipes are fantastic too. The extremist in me has absolutely no time for toxic and unnatural substances, especially in products designed for children, to be used directly on their skin. There is a time and a place to be vigilant about chemical-free living and in my opinion, this is most certainly one of them!

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