29 July 2012

my food: back in the game

Ok, ok. I know how slack I've been with the blog posts. It kind of became an issue when we (and by we, I mean Rob) lost the charger for my laptop. Add to that the fact that he has been working long hours (and so his laptop hasn't been readily available) which means posting has been pretty much impossible. BUT I finally gave in to the fact that it wasn't just going to turn up out of the blue and bought a new one - so now I'm back with a vengence! (And by vengence, I mean posting at least a few times a week. Hey, its been a while. Baby steps...)

So what have I been up to? Well let me tell you that I am most definitely back in the game when it comes to food prep. Don't believe me? Why, here's proof:

Chicken curry (with homemade curry paste)

Homemade hummus

Pasta with broccolini, parmesan and breadcrumbs

Raw zucchini salad
Go me! This is a vast improvement compared to my efforts a few weeks ago. Though I must admit that I'm starting to tire of all of the winter produce and am dreaming of a new season. Not long now!

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